Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Cake Made of Cheese!

You guessed it, or maybe not, but I made my first ever cheese cake!
The first of february was not only a historical moment in cheese cake history, but also for us here in MO with the wonderful blizzard that has affected my living habits these past 3 days without school.
this was the front door, no way were we getting out.
I just thought this plant looked neat.

the screen door was attacked by the snow Yeti!

Well this snow storm allowed me to make a cake, I sorta planned the cake makin before the storm, since WYNDSTORM knew it was coming. I went to the store found the ingredients in the icy rain that preceded the snow.
Again the cake was from Bon Appetit, along with my chocolate theme. I realized something whilst cooking this delight, I am a chocolatier vegetarian while my sister is the pastry master meat eater... we could easily make the best restaurant on the planet!my ad for Bon Appetit Desserts.
This recipe called for some special chocolate, but I used Lindet, which turned out perfect, as well as some cookies that aren't available in columbia. I ended up using a mint chocolate cookie that was perfect, and used as garnish those silly grashopper cookies that are 24/7 thin mints as garnish!


  1. oh yeah! I forgot to tell you, it was really really creamy and delicious!

  2. Let's start our restaurant! I am so in!

  3. How amazing! I want some....just sled on over here honey.

    You guys would be great chefs for your restaurant. It definitely runs in the family.
