Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday 9/12, a wonderful afternoon for lunch

Sunday morning Sam and I decided we wanted a delicious egg breakfast, him an omelet, me a burrito. Alas we had no eggs and decided to go to The Broadway Diner.

It was a beautiful day so we decided to eat outside. I have been going to the diner for several years, since I was a little girl. I remember it used to be on the corner of Providance and Broadway where Walgreens is now, that and Streetside Records (which was covered in ivy). After the move several years ago, my Sister Kelli, Dad Jim, and Stepmom Catherine would bike from our house on the MKT Trail down there, we watched over the years on our bikes the building of Flatbranch Park and the additions to make the trail better as well as the transfer to downtown less dangerous. It was nice going to an old childhood place with my boyfriend from a different town.

It's funny the way we eat. I was only a few bites into my meal with half the hashbrowns eaten (best in town by the way), when Sam was mostly done with his All American Eggs over hashbrown (with Pepperjack cheese rather than American), but not quite ready to eat his side pancake. There are many thing that boy is good at and eating is one of them...which is why I am lucky! means there will always be someone to eat my food!
After lunch we decided to go to Streetside and pick up our tickets to a festival we are going to in October! It was such a nice day and it was wonderful spending it at two places that used to be side by side.

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